DOLIU pentru Sylvester Stallone. Mama sa s-a stins la 98 de ani

Foto: Agerpres
Foto: Agerpres

Mama actorului Sylvester Stallone, Jackie, a murit la 98 de ani, a confirmat cel mai tânăr fiu al său, Frank.

Conform Daily Mail, Frank a transmis că Jackie „a murit în somn așa cum și-a dorit”, pe Instagram. „În această dimineață, frații mei și cu mine am pierdut-o pe mama noastră, Jackie Stallone. Ea a fost mama a patru copii, Tommy, Sylvester, Frankie și Toni Ann, care nu mai este printre noi”, a transmis cântărețul american.

„Este greu să nu-ți fi plăcut de ea, a fost foarte excentrică și flamboaiantă”, a continuat fiul cel mare. Frank a explicat că viața ei nu a fost una ușoară, supraviețuind „prohibiției, depresiunii și celui de-Al Doilea Război Mondial”.

Vezi această postare pe Instagram

This morning my brothers and I lost our mother Jackie Stallone . She was the mother to four children, Tommy, Sylvester, Frankie and my late sister Toni Ann. She was a remarkable woman working out everyday full of spunk and fearless . She died in her sleep as she had wished. It was hard not to like her, she was very eccentric and flamboyant person. She was born on November 29 th 1921 in Washington DC ,she lived through prohibition , the depression and World War II . I would talk to her for hours about the 20's 30's and 40's. It was a history lesson. Her mind was as sharp as a razor till the day she died. She never wore a mask a true revolutionary gal . I guess I'm drowning my emotions in tears and to much vino. But when you've known someone for 70 yrs it tough and sad. She had seven grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren . My brother Sylvester took care of her like a Queen for all of her life. I will never be able to call my mom again or have her yell at me why I never got married . But we all loved her and her sprit to survive and prevail . I'll miss you always mommy. @officialslystallone

O postare distribuită de Frank Stallone (@frank.stallone) pe

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