Trump, ajutor de urgenţă pentru firmele afectate de coronavirus

Preşedintele Statelor Unite ale Americii, Donald Trump, a anunţat că firmele afectate de coronavirus vor primi un ajutor din partea statului. 

Donald Trump a anunţat că va oferi un suport financiar de 50 de miliarde de dolari pentru proprietarii de afaceri mici care vor fi afectate de coronavirus. 

"Aceasta nu este o criză financiară. Este doar un eveniment temporar pe care îl vom depăşi ca naţiune, dar şi la nivel global", a spus Donald Trump.  

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President Trump said Wednesday night that his administration will provide a $50 billion relief package to small business owners affected by the coronavirus outbreak as part of sweeping efforts to hinder the economic impact of the growing pandemic. ⁣ ⁣Trump said he will direct the Small Business Administration to provide liquidity to states and small business owners through low-interest loans. The president said he will ask Congress to increase funding for the initiative by $50 billion. ⁣ ⁣“This is not a financial crisis," Trump said during a primetime address from the Oval Office. "This is just a temporary moment of time that we will overcome as a nation and as a world.”

A post shared by Fox Business (@foxbusiness) onMar 12, 2020 at 9:30am PDT

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