Victimă COVID, înfoliată în plastic și dezinfectată. Fotografia care a șocat o lume întreagă

O fotografie cu o persoană decedată de coronavirus stârnește reacții în întraga lume. 

O fotografie cu o victimă Covid-19 din Indonezia stârnește ”fascinație și negare”, relatează Persoana decedată este învelită într-o folie de plastic, iar mai apoi dată cu dezinfectant. O imagine pe care autoritățile și-ar fi dorit să nu o vadă populația. 

Jurnalistul Joshua Irwandi a făcut o fotografie surprinzătoare unui corp învelit din plastic al unei victime COVID-19, asigurându-se în același timp că nu dezvăluie caracteristici distincte sau chiar de gen.

Fotografia lui Irwandi a fost preluată de televiziunile și agențiile de știri din întraga lume. De asemenea, peste 325.000 de oameni au ”apreciat” imaginea de pe pagina sa de Instagram.

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To photograph the victims of coronavirus in Indonesia is the most heartbreaking, most eerie photography I have ever done. In my mind at the time I only thought what happened to this person may well happen to people I love, people we all love. I’ve witnessed first hand how the doctors and nurses are continuously risking their lives to save ours. They are the true heroes of this story, and the only way to appreciate their work is to follow what they advise us. We felt it was absolutely crucial that this image must be made. To understand and connect to the human impact of this devastating virus. The image is published here today as a reminder and a warning, of the ever looming danger. To inform us of the human cost of coronavirus and how world governments have let matters get so far. As we head towards the second wave of the pandemic, people must realise they cannot take this matter lightly. This photograph accompanies an article that appears in the National Geographic Magazine @natgeo in the new upcoming August 2020 issue. LINK IN BIO. It is also the first time I’d see the image in print. There are many people to thank, most notably @kayaleeberne, in which this is the first print NG story she edited; @jamesbwellford for reacting on the story from early on; @andritambunan, @kkobre, and @paullowephotography for their advice; and last but not least my mentor @geertvankesterenphoto for his unrelenting support since day one. I would like to dedicate this to the medical staff – whose selfless efforts allow us to continue to live. I am truly humbled to be in their midst countering this pandemic. And to my late Uncle Felix who, two years before he passed away earlier this year, sent me an email: ‘Keep on taking pictures and never fail to report to let the world know what has really happened.’ Please share this story and please act. This is the pandemic of our lifetime. We must win this battle. Supported by the @forhannafoundation and @insidenatgeo COVID-19 Emergency Fund for Journalist. @natgeointhefield #natgeo #joshuairwandi #natgeoemergencyfund #documentaryphotography #photography #covid19 #covidstories #nationalgeographicsociety #pandemic #stayathome

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