Creșterea FULMINANTĂ a companiei Tesla. Cifre MONUMENTALE în doar 10 ani

Foto: Agerpres
Foto: Agerpres

Producătorul american de autoturisme Tesla a avut parte de o creștere fulminantă, în cei 10 ani de când a fost listată pentru prima dată pe bursă.

Conform BusinessWeek, Tesla a crescut dintr-o „musculiță” de Silicon Valley în al doilea cel mai mare producător auto din punctul de vedere al capitalizării pieței, într-un singur deceniu.

Mereu a fost dramă în jurul Teslei, dar compania a stimulat industria auto să accepte electrificarea drept cheie a viitorului transportului”, a spus fostul lider al programului hibrid General Motors, Tony Posawatz.

Astfel, o acțiune Tesla costa 17 dolari, acum 10 ani, la prima listare pe bursă. Acum, valoarea acestora se ridică la 983 dolari.

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● Ten years after its IPO, here's a look back at Tesla’s extraordinary decade.⠀ ⠀ ● Tesla has grown from Silicon Valley gadfly to the world’s second-largest automaker by market capitalization in the decade since its initial public offering. It’s been a roller-coaster ride for the electric-car maker’s shareholders, who have experienced dizzying swoons on the way to record highs thanks in part to self-inflicted crises.⠀ ⠀ ● “There’s always a lot of drama with Tesla, but they have spurred the auto industry on to embrace electrification as key to the future of mobility,” said Tony Posawatz, the former leader of General Motors Co.’s Volt plug-in hybrid program, ex-CEO of Fisker and current director at Lucid Motors Inc. “Whether they are profitable or not, they have impacted the luxury auto market forever more.”⠀ ⠀ ● On June 29, 2010, Tesla made its debut as a public company -- the first initial public offering of a domestic automaker in a half century. The IPO price was $17 a share. Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk rang the Nasdaq opening bell, and the company’s lone electric car, the $109,000 Roadster, was on display in Times Square.⠀ ⠀ ● A decade later, Tesla’s stock is trading at around $983 a share, the company has grown to about 48,000 employees and its influence on the global auto industry is unprecedented. Despite plenty of doubters and some near-death experiences, Tesla’s $178 billion market valuation is second only to Toyota among all carmakers.⠀ ⠀ ● Read the full story by clicking the link in our bio.

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