Jubileul Majestăţii Sale Regele Mihai este un moment important pentru Casele Regale din Europa. Evenimentul va fi onorat de mari personalităţi ale istoriei moderne, printre care Majestatea Sa Regina Spaniei, dar şi Regele și Regina Suediei.
Iată lista invitaţilor Casei Regale a României:
Their Majesties the King and Queen
TRH Crown Princess Margarita and Prince Radu
HRH The Princess Helena and HE Mr Alexander Phillips Nixon
HRH The Princess Irina and Mr John Wesley Walker
HRH The Princess Marie
HRH Prince Nicholas
Miss Elisabeta Karina de Roumanie
TIRH Archduke Georg and Archduchess Eilika of Austria
TIRH Archduke Martin and Archduchess of Austria
TIRH Archduke Dominic and Archduchess Nella of Austria
HIRH Archduchess Maria Magdalena of Austria and Baron Hanns Ulrich von Holzhausen
HRH Princess Alexandre of Belgium
His Majesty The King of the Bulgarians
Baron Axel de Sambucy de Sorgue
TIRH Prince Georg Friedrich and Princess Sophie of Prussia
TRH The Markgraf and Markgraffin of Baden
TRH The Hereditary Duke and Duchess of Württemberg
TRH Prince Bernhard and Princess of Baden
TRH Prince Ludwig and Princess of Baden
HRH Prince Ludwig of Bavaria
HRH The Princess Irini of Greece
TRH The Prince and Princess of Savoia, Duke and Duchess of Aosta
HRH Princess Muna al Hussein of Jordan
TRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal and Princess Sarvath of Jordan
HRH Princess Rym al Ali of Jordan
HRH Princess Margarita of Liechtenstein
HSH Princess Isabelle of Liechtenstein
HRH The Grand Duke of Luxembourg
TRH Prince Guillaume and Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg
HRH Crown Prince Nicholas of Montenegro
TRH The Duke and Duchess of Braganza
HIH Grand Duchess Maria of Russia
HIH Grand Duke George of Russia
TRH Crown Prince Alexander II and Crown Princess Katherine of Serbia and Yugoslavia
TRH Prince Vladimir and Princess Brigitte of Yugoslavia
Her Majesty The Queen of Spain
Their Majesties The King and Queen of Sweden
Countess Madeleine Bernadotte Kogevinas
HSH Prince Karel Schwarzenberg, minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
HSH Princess Tatiana Radziwill, Mrs. Fruchaud, and Dr. John Fruchaud
HH Princess Anne of Ligne, Mrs. de Fabribeckers de Cortils et Grâce, and Mr Charles de Fabribeckers de Cortils et Grâce
TSH Prince Wenceslas and Princess Armelle of Lobkowicz
TSH Prince Wilhelm and Princess Ilona of Schaumburg Lippe
TSH Fürst Alois Konstantin and Prince Dominic of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg
Citeşte şi:
Discursul Regelui Mihai în Parlamentul României, în şedinţa solemnă din 25 Octombrie 2011
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